Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom has Tuesday announced members of the new interim cabinet with former State Minister for Economic Monitoring and Bugangaizi County West MP Baltazar Kasirivu-Atwooki at the helm as Prime Minister.

The announcement was made by the Chief Prince (Okwiri) of Bunyoro Kitara Owekitinisa Engineer Frederick Mugenyi Rucunya, franked by Prince Ochaki Charles Nyabongo – former representative of the Babiito Clan in the kingdom parliament (Rukurato) and other kingdom officials at the former’s residence in Rukooge, Hoima.

Also known as Dr. Kyamanywa Kasirivu-Atwooki, the new Kingdom Prime Minister will be deputized by Owekitinisa Apolo John, who is the Minister for Tourism, Lands and Natural Resources.

Another notable appointment is Former MP for Buliisa Constituency Steven Birahwa who is now the Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Oil and Gas.

Following what the Chief Prince has referred to as leadership impasse, the coveted administration boosts of new appointees, almost all former officials dropped. Only two officials; Rwamparo Apolo John and Dauda Cwa – Minister of Investment, retained positions on the new list.

L-R; Owekitinisa Eria Kugonza Miganda – Interim Speaker of the Rukurato, Owek. Eng. Frederick Mugenyi Rucunya – Chief Prince), Prince Ochaki Charles Nyabongo and Twegonze Joseph, the principal lands and forestry supervisor at the press conference held Tuesday morning at the Chief Prince’s residence in Rukooge, Hoima. Photo | Spice FM

Important to note is that the term of the cabinet ministers and members of parliament (Rukurato) expired on October 19th, 2023 and the posts have been vacant for almost a year.

The Prime Minister’s term expired on June 30th, 2024, leaving a critical vacuum in the Kingdom’s administration.

Meanwhile, on June 27th 2024, the Kingdom’s Royal Commission “extended” then Prime Minister Andrew Byakutaga’s term through a letter signed by the Chairman of the Commission Dr. Fred Kabagambe Kaliisa who noted that the decision had been reached through a meeting held at the Karuzika palace in Hoima.

The extension would supposedly grant Byakutaga another year in office effective 1st July, 2024. This extension was, however, vehemently protested by the Chief Prince who stated that it was illegal.

The Chief Prince would then make the new cabinet-announcement on behalf of the King – His Royal Majesty Dr. Solomon Gafabusa Iguru 1 who is indisposed at the moment.

“Aware that His Royal Majesty is indisposed ‘ali munsasi’, and also aware that by the authority given to me that I will provide a leadership link for continuity of the kingdom cultural and administrative business in case the Omukama is away or indisposed, I now wish to announce the following people as prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers, Ambassador and Special Appointees,” the statement issued by the Okwiri – Chief Prince, reads in part.

22 people were appointed to different administrative positions and 6 other officials named for various departments in the kingdom.

List of new appointees.

Speaking to PrimeNews on Tuesday, one of the new appointees, Owekitinisa Lennox Mugume – Minister of Restitution and Reparation – who has also been working as the coordinator of the Ikingura (the Late) Sir Tito Gafabusa Winyi IV CBE Royal Family, noted that this announcement will partly resolve the impasse that the kingdom and its stakeholders have tolerated for a while.

Among the unresolved issues was whether or not regents should be instituted due to the deteriorating health of the Omukama.

“To some of us, the inner people, the impasse dates about 5 years back. Efforts have been made to treat the King, till we all agreed, following medical reports, that his condition was chronic. Last year, an effort to institute regents was initiated, but stopped in court by the Royal Family as we believed there was a traditional way to handle the situation, rather than going legal,” Owekitinisa Mugume said.

He added that with the new administration, and his docket in particular, he hopes to work with line officials to boost the Kingdom’s self-reliance and sustainability by redeeming her properties and other resources that are currently controlled by other governing entities.

Owekitinisa Lennox Mugume, newly appointed Minister of Restitution and Reparation, Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom.

“In my docket, Restitution and Reparation, I hope to work closely with the Prime Minister and team to redeem Kingdom properties and resources still held by the government of Uganda and Kingdom artifacts held at the United Kingdom Museum among others, and to acquire new assets to this cause,” Mugume further stated.

According to sources close to the kingdom, the Omukama is grappling with health issues which necessitated his withdrawal from public appearance but continues to handle business privately at his palace.




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